Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a popular branch of medicine that enhances the appearance of the treated area. Numerous procedures are available depending on each patient’s unique aesthetic needs and goals.
When performing cosmetic procedures, Dr. Daisy Ayim creates very natural results that are incredibly long-lasting. She regularly performs cosmetic surgery on areas of the face and body, along with the breasts.
Cosmetic Surgery for the Face
Most cosmetic facial procedures are focused on either improving the balance and aesthetics of the face or restoring a more youthful appearance.
Surgeries like blepharoplasty, the brow lift, and the facelift concentrate on addressing signs of the aging process like age line and sagging skin. Tightening the skin restores definition to the facial contours.
Cosmetic procedures like neck and chin liposuction remove excess fat to contour the area, improving proportions to enhance the balance and harmony of the face.
Cosmetic Surgery for the Body
For the most part, cosmetic body procedures focus on sculpting and contouring. Abdominoplasty, the body lift, the arm lift, and the thigh lift are all examples of body-contouring procedures that create a fitter and more toned appearance in their targeted areas. This is accomplished through removal of excess drooping skin and tightening of the remaining skin.
Liposuction and fat transfer procedures also accomplish contouring, but they do so by specifically removing stubborn excess fatty tissue. This reduces the volume of the treatment area.
The fat transfer offers the additional benefit of moving the excess fat to a new area, where it is used to improve the region’s volume and proportions. The Brazilian butt lift is an excellent example of this.
Cosmetic gynecology procedures like clitoral hood reduction and vaginoplasty focus on improving sensation and sexual satisfaction in a number of ways. Aesthetic rejuvenation is also achieved.
Cosmetic Surgery for the Breasts
Cosmetic breast procedures vary in focus. While a breast augmentation with implants or fat transfer increases volume and projection, a breast lift instead enhances shape and perkiness while reducing sag. Both of these procedures can also address asymmetries between the breasts.
A breast reduction provides both functional and aesthetic results. Tissue is removed in order to make the breasts more proportionate to the patient’s frame, providing aesthetic benefits. This process also makes the breasts lighter, which helps to address functional issues like posture problems, chronic pain in the back and the neck, and rashes beneath the breasts.
The male breast reduction procedure focuses on resolving a condition known as gynecomastia. This is where the chest tissues are enlarged to the point of looking like feminine breasts. By removing tissue, the chest can be recontoured for a more masculine appearance.
Suitability for Cosmetic Procedures
When planning a surgery, Dr. Ayim analyzes risk factors to ensure that patients are safe and do not experience complications. If you’re interested in undergoing a cosmetic procedure, it’s important to keep in mind that certain factors are considered in order to determine suitability.
You must be in good overall health to be a suitable candidate for cosmetic surgery. Patients who are in poor health or who have underlying medical conditions that could affect the healing process present a greater surgical risk.
Non-smokers are preferred when it comes to surgical procedures. This is because smoking causes a decline in the health of the skin, increasing the chances of complications and a prolonged healing period. If you are a smoker, it will be necessary to quit smoking several weeks before the date of your cosmetic procedure.
Find Out More
Meet with skilled triple-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Daisy Ayim to learn more about cosmetic surgery procedures she performs. Contact Ayim Surgical Arts for your personalized consultation.